Bank Transfer

Registration Procedures

  1. Click here to download the registration form (Microsoft Word Format) or
    click here to download the PDF format file.
  2. Save the file to your computer.
  3. Complete the form.
  4. Send an email message with the form as an attached file to the following address.
    Write the word "IWSDA2017Registration" in the subject line of the email message.
  5. Transfer the total cost to the bank account of IWSDA2017.
  6. After July 25 or within one week from receiving your registration form, we will send an email message. If you don't receive our message after July 25 or within one week, please send an email message to the above address.

Payment Method

Please transfer the total cost to the following bank account.
If you are a participant from Japan, see information on the bank account in Japanese.
Bank code 0001
Branch number 725
Branch name AIZU
Address of Aizu branch 1-1-25 Chuo, Aizuwakamatsu-shi, Fukushima 965-0037, Japan
Telephone number of Aizu branch +81-242-22-7315
Account number 1147722
Account type Normal Account
Account name IWSDA


  • The name of the sender must be the same as the name that is used for this registration form.
  • All costs associated with the money transfer must be borne by the sender.
  • If you need more detailed information about our bank account, please contact us.
  • We can accept only JPY.
  • No refunds will be made after payment.
We will issue a receipt in the reception desk during the workshop.
For more information, see the page of detailed information on the registration fees.

IWSDA'17 is planned to be supported by the following technical sponsors (pending approval). IEEE (USA), IEEE Sapporo Section (Japan), Engineering Sciences Society of IEICE (Japan), Hokkaido University (Japan), National Institute of Technology, Tokyo College (Japan), Yamaguchi University (Japan), Southwest Jiaotong University (China), the Murata Science Foundation.